blog 8: teacher from school that you remember.

I dont remember about all teachers in my school. In general most of them were not close the students, but always there a teacher that impresses, in my case this teacher is rodrigo. He is a techar of the language in the old school. he taught classes because now is a other school.

Rodrigo I impress because when he gives classes helped everyone, he taught how learn and have fun. he was funny and your classes they were too. I dont now if I learned anything, buy it did teach me not to be ashamed and to be able to say what I think in class. since that, is clases my perspective change and I change. then he left the other school for best job, this is the last day I see the is theacher, that was in 7 or 8 grade. 

The fact was sad because he was one of best teache from the school, he always wanted to help us and make the class funny. despite that  there was a techaer that your classes if they were funny, but sometimes, he did those classes for to make fun of or to avoid classes. I recently found out that he os go longer a tecaher in thar school.


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