blog 4: A Good Friend

part 1: summary

in summary it talks about the importance of friendship day, its origin and its recognition by the UN, it mentions that friends are from different cultures and parts of the world and the importance of having people who are considered important in our lives. finally it mentions that expensive gifts on this day are not so important but that the details are enough. 

part 2: my good friend.

my good friend is my dog, his name is MONO, but I affectionately call MY POPITO, we have been together since I was 11 years old, that is to say that  he is already 11 years old and he will soon turn 12, he come into my life for my birthday and it was a complete surprise, he was very cute when he arrived, he was three months old. what I like most is that we sleep late when we can, he loves to sleep, even more now that hi is old. also every afternoon I take him out for a walk, he really likes going out to look for my cousin dog. they always look for each other.


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