blog 5: 5 Favourites
my 5 favourites are:
1_ the song that I like it is a song of the artis and you name is ADELE and the song is DONT YOU REMEMBER, is a since the releas of her debut albun´19 in 2008, but I got to know the song around 2020 and since then I have stopped listenig to her, when I listening feeling something that ADELE transmits that enchants. but more than the lyrics its the rhythm and the interpretation.
2_ my favorite movie is ME BEFORE YOU because is a movie that it showsthat there are small things that make a diferrerence and I totally agree with that, besides I watch a summer and I like it. since that day I have seen her like 10 time.
the part that I like it in the movie is when the protagonist he gives her the bee socks for you birthday, thats a funny scene.Besides the scene that makes me sad is the ending, I dont like thescene but I understand.

3_ A piece of technology I use is the notebook ACER, I buy in 2021 when I entered of the career of architecture, before I had one and with her I writing because my sister her dont have one, but my notebook ACER I use much for my career, always I used and is very good and fast.
4_ the book that I like that is LA CHICA QUE ESCAPÓ DE AUSWICH by Elie Mitwood is the book that i read it in a few days, i loved it, it's been a long time since i liked a book so much, i read it all the time. it's a short book but personally i didn't like to read, but now i found the kind of books that i like and that interest me. this book is about " Edward, inmate 531, is a veteran of the camp and a political prisoner. Although, with his shaved head and striped uniform, he looks like everyone else, he is a Resistance fighter in hiding. And he has an escape plan. He knows that, despite being surrounded by electric cables, machine guns topping endless watchtowers and searchlights roaming the ground, they will leave, both he and Mala, the extermination camp. There is a promise to escape together or die together, in one of the greatest love stories of all time."

5_ A souvenir is when in the summer, we used to go with all my family to the swimming pool in cajon del maipo, we went for the day but we had a great time, what always takes me back to that memory is a special meal that they always gave us when i was little, this was a glass of milk with chocolate of the brand SOPROLE with a bread and cheese. this is something characteristic of our vacation trips, and i still love to do it, it reminds me a lot of my childhood.
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