blog 6: Fiestas Patrias

My fiestas patrias I will was fantastic because all in my family playing more andeating together. first playin with my little coisins and also have awards to all they because firt are for the winner and after is for all the players.we laughed too much. they hadalso games for the adultsin when I playing. the games were with water, potatos, sacks,glasses, etc. I was the hostess that day. this typical activities we made them in the passage where I live, because here is more space for games. 

we funny more!

Besides with my famiy and I, we had a barbecue before and after the games how lunch and dinner, I likethe fiestas patrias because we all together in my family, always my house is the point of meet. 

all the week luched together how always. the table is more big. 



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