blog8: Your Semester So Far

in the moment I be  in the seven semester in the carrer of architecture. my semester in this moment its ok, but I dont now how it will be what remains of the semester. however all ist ok,with my grades, family, university, that is good because is all more relax and i have time for my pernal activities and my hoobys. 

I not have a favorite classes because, I like it little momet or classes how in the "fundamentos de diseño digital", when yesterday we worked in clay and we did different things an forms. besides in the others class Im going to valparaiso for one day because how class we saw heritage architecture, I walking for more street but I liked the was enjoying.

the classess tha arent enjoying is taller, because is a class more hard and it have the high demand every day in the week, besides in occations the correction is not good, but is something that is part of carrer of architecture,for the moment with the class its ok and good grades. In this class in very important manage my time because how saying before demand more time in the week, in this moment I keep manage my time in the university and I have time for has more activities apart the all calsses. Im try of write a list when the most import is firt and I do each task for day or two for day. 

In my free time I preffer sleep, Im sleep more. but also seak with my family about our day in the table or in the beed, is a family´s time. 

Although of the classes the highlight or the semester is know differet people and they are very nice and I can speaking wiht they always, I like ir skow now people, because I thing that is interesant see and hear other peoples and your diferent life, bedides of the share with they .


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